On Getting It Right and Keeping It

         Anger is a close friend of mine but forgiveness quickly comes in like a bolt of lightening! The sun seems to shine on me even though the rain follows me around don't ask me why just does. I will never understand the emotions that live inside of me yet others try to second guess me all the time. I am right 99%  of the time really I will argue that point  at least until I make sure I am. I Do not Necessarily hate anyone on the face of this earth that by the way we are destroying, but that is for another day, but i do dislike allot of the people running our country!As I said before Sara Palin makes me want to vomit blood really how could she use the term "blood Libel"? People it is not just guns that kill people of course guns kill people!! I could shoot someone with an  airgun between the eyes if done right and it would kill them, a paintball gun could kill someone, a shotgun, so on, ect.It is these raving Lunatics that are allowed to own a gun in the first place that kill the people!! But how do you know that raving lunatics own guns??? YOU make them submit to a background check I think everyone who wants to own any type of gun other than a turkey shooter should have to under go a psychological back ground check. Just saying weed out the idiots!!Why isn't that standard anyway? Well should not the red flags be flying on these idiots anyway? I mean our emails are already invaded as well as our phone calls, shoot you can't even ride down the road without being on candied camera. I guess we can't catch all the nut cases, so why not  have this put in to law. What other reason would anyone want an assault rifle, for assault!!!! I know everyone who feels the same way is writing or blogging on this very same issue, but I feel the more who do then maybe something will get done. gheeze Louise it's easier to buy a gun than it is to get through to Verizon!


  1. Unknown says:

    Arizona is creating a bill now to make the Glock their 'state' gun. Disgusting...

  2. lookingatutoo says:

    well when they get gunned down with that glock wonder what they will think then...A Glock for a State gun??